Canine Physiotherapy

Veterinary Physiotherapy assesses the horse’s musculoskeletal system for areas of muscular imbalance, pain, tension and restricted range of motion. Physical therapy aims to optimise the healing processes of the body, through the promotion of increased blood flow, lymphatic drainage and fibre alignment. The manual techniques I use include soft tissue massage and mobilisation, active and passive stretching, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, activation and stabilisation exercises and Kinesiotaping. Some of the therapeutic exercises used include long-reining, lunging, in-hand and ridden pole work, lateral work, hill work and hydrotherapy.Sessions may involve purely manual techniques, or may be used in combination with remedial exercise. Sports therapy can be beneficial to all types of horses, from your family or companion horse to top-level competition horses. A long-term rehabilitation programme can be greatly beneficial to horses following a musculoskeletal injury, long-term box rest or after a surgical procedure. Sports therapy may also be necessary to manage an ongoing musculoskeletal condition, such as osteoarthritis or ‘kissing spines’. However, horses that are not suffering from a specific condition or injury are also susceptible to pain and tension. Factors such as conformation, breed, discipline, age and preference to use one side of the body, may place strain on specific areas of the body. Other factors such as saddle fit, farriery and rider asymmetry can also contribute to the presence and intensity of pain and tension. These issues can be displayed through subtle or obvious changes in posture, movement, performance or behaviour. Even if there are no noticeable issues with your horse, a regular wellness-programme can still optimise comfort, health and performance, reduce the risk of injury and possibly allow earlier detection of problems. An essential aspect of Veterinary Physiotherapy is having a holistic view and it is therefore very beneficial if I am able to work closely with your veterinarian, farrier, saddler, trainer/ rider and other paraprofessionals, to ensure the best possible care for your horse.

The Possible Causes of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction

  • Illness/ injury
  • Pre- or post-surgery
  • Following long-term box rest
  • Management of an on-going condition, such as osteoarthritis and ‘kissing spines’
  • Falls when ridden or in the field
  • Poor saddle fit
  • Unbalanced or asymmetrical ride
  • Hoof imbalance
  • Poor conformation or inherent asymmetry
  • Poor posture or way of going

The Benefits of Sports Therapy

  • Reduced pain and tension
  • Improved behaviour/ disposition
  • Reduced tactile defence
  • Improved circulation
  • Increase range of motion/ suppleness
  • Improved gait quality and possibly performance
  • Increased strength and stamina
  • Improved elasticity of tendons
  • Promotes removal of waste products and toxins
  • Improved fibre alignment of connective tissue
  • Improved proprioception/ co-ordination
  • Improved muscular symmetry
  • Improved core strength, balance and dynamic stability
  • Reduced muscular fatigue
  • Reduce muscle atrophy or hypertrophy
  • Reduced risk of injury